Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A couple of good days :)

Ok so this is what it feels like to be human again... :)

Saturday, Sunday and now Monday have been pretty great. My morning sickness was much more managable than it had been in a while. I fact I haven't felt this good since week 4.

I am hoping and praying that this is a good thing. It does make me a little nervous that something might be wrong with my hormone levels. I'm sure everything is fine. Jeremy says I need to look at it as a blessing and stop worrying. I will admit it feels like I am in the recoverey stages from a flu that lasted a month long!

I am hoping and praying very hard that this will not just be a fluke. I'm tired of being sick and grumpy, I want to feel like me again. I want to be able to fully enjoy this pregnancy and have nothing dampen my joy that there is a little Teddy Graham in my tummy!

Hope and pray with me

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